Saturday, September 17, 2011

Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP)

Well...dah byk post cite psl g berjalan n post kali ni sedikit ilmiah...^^

HSRP Config
To setup HSRP on a pair of routers,
Router 1:
From the Interface Configuration Mode add the IP Address of the Interface
hsrp-router1#conf t
hsrp-router1(config)# int fa0/0
hsrp-router1(config-if)# ip address
Set the Virtual IP Address
Sets the Virtual IP Address for the interface where "1" is the HSRP group and "" is the Virtual IP for the HSRP group.
hsrp-router1(config-if)# standby 1 ip
Enable Preempt
This is required to make the router from being a Standby Router to an Active Router when it finds the Active Router is down or if it has become the higher priority router in the group
hsrp-router1(config-if)# standby 1 preempt
Set Router Priority
The default priority is "100". We set here as "110" to make the Router 1 as active.
hsrp-router1(config-if)# standby 1 priority 110
Set Authentication String
This is an optional plain text 8 character string that can be used in the multicast "hello" packets to authenticate the HSRP group.
hsrp-router1(config-if)# standby 1 authentication LocalLAN
Set Timers
Sets the time period between the "hello" packets and the hold time before assuming an active router is down. Default is 3seconds and 10 seconds respectively.
hsrp-router1(config-if)# standby 1 timers 5 15
Track Interface
If you track interface to check link status then the following command will track an interface and when the tracked link is down, the active router will mark its priority low so as to allow a Standby router to take over.
hsrp-router1(config-if)# standby 1 track se0/0
Repeat the procedure altering the IP Address of the Local interface and the priority and the tracked interface.
Router 2:
hsrp-router2#conf t
hsrp-router2(config)# int fa0/0
hsrp-router2(config-if)# ip address
hsrp-router2(config-if)# standby 1 ip
hsrp-router2(config-if)# standby 1 preempt
hsrp-router2(config-if)# standby 1 priority 100
hsrp-router2(config-if)# standby 1 authentication LocalLAN
hsrp-router2(config-if)# standby 1 timers 5 15
hsrp-router2(config-if)# standby 1 track se0/0
Thats it. HSRP configuration is complete. You may test the connectivity to a remote route and see for yourself the redudancy in place.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pulau Perhentian **KABAZ family day** part 2

Bersambung di sini plak ye...

Sesampainye di sana...kami pon check-in la...yg mne de famli dpt la satu bilik..yg mne bujang kongsi2 la...dalam pukul 1330ptg..kami di hidang kan(buffet) dgn mkn tghari...bruppppp...kenyang tol..

Kul 1500ptg..bermula la xtvt game kami...ade game lari smbil kepit belon, game penyu bertelur(jgn tye cmno..xtahu nk xplain), game tarik tali, volley ball dan last kami mandi kolam.... di bawah gambar2 yg di snap...

pada malam tu kami rehat2 je....penat wooo...sampai tu terus de xtvt....mula ingt nk wat fire camp xthu ke xthu ke mane....kayu api lg la xthu kemana...


Hari seterusnya 09/07/2011:

......nnt akan di cerita kan kemudian...wa edit ja nnt..xde part 3...

Pulau Perhentian **KABAZ family day** part 1

Sudah lama tak bersua...sudah lama tak menaip di sini..

tanggal 07/07/2011 pada pukul 11malam a.k.a 2300h pergerakan staf2 kabaz bersama famli ke pulau perhentian. Mengikut apa yg dijadualkan...pergerakkan sepatut nya berlaku pada pukul 2130h pada hari yg nak buat mcm mane....manusia...hanya dpt merancang...

Dibawah ni adalah pic yg berlaku pada malam sebelum bertolak..para AJK behempas pulas utk mengejar jadual...berhempas pulas kew.......

Pada pukul 0800pagi pada 08/07/2011...rombongan warga KABAZ tiba di besut...dimana bot/feri yg akan membawa kami ke pulau Perhentian berada sebelum naik feri tu..kami di jamu dgn nasi dagang n bihun goreng..sape tah name mak cik tu wa dah lupe...........enjoi a few pic before kami menjejakkan kai ke pulau perhentian..

Pada pukul lebih kurang 1230tghari..kami telah menjejaki kaki ke pulau Perhentian...kami menginap di Awana resort...pasir yg memutih..air yg membiru dan istana Awana resort tesergam menanti ketibaan kami..

Itu je la setakat ni.....nnt akan bersambung lg ceritera FAMLI DAYS KABAZ...